The Thursday (the original) Art Group

The original WADSWICK GREEN ART GROUP was formed in 2017 and we now meet in the Village Hall as the Thursday art group on the First and Third Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. till 12 noon.

We work in many different styles and media including Acrylic, Watercolour, Pastel, Charcoal, Pen and Ink and Pencil. 

There is no formal teaching in this group but we exchange ideas and help each other when needed.

At the moment we are restricted by lack of space, the Village Hall is only able to comfortably hold 12 to 14 but we hope this will change when we are able to use our new Village Hall.
For further details please contact Chris Sayer (contact details in the village directory or use the following form).

Members at Work!

Contact Form


The Water Colour Class


Wadswick Sketchers