BBC Wiltshire News, Wiltshire Gazette and Herald
Our objections to the planning proposal have been reported on BBC online news.

Sands Quarry (Donkey Field) Development Proposal
An outline of the planning proposal to build on the land known locally as "The Donkey Field", on the left of Rowan Lane (travelling from West Wells).

Ark Planning Statement Extracts
Extracts from Arks Planning Statement - research into how much consideration has been taken of Wadswick Green.
An introduction to the planning problem. This content has been moved from the main page to make navigation through the different articles easier.
Neston On-Line Petition
Add your support to an online petition against this proposal that has been started in Neston.

Low Frequency Noise and Mobile Phone Signals
Several complaints have reference existing noise pollution problems and have referred to problems with mobile phone signals.
The existing noise problems need to be reported to the Council outside this planning response. Mobile phone problems cannot be blamed on ARC or MoD but there is an easy solution.

Corsham Town Council
An extract from Corsham Council Planning Committee Minutes where this application was considered.

Site map - Satellite View
Satellite image showing Wadswick Green and the areas concerned with this planning application.

Contacts and Sources of Information
Relevant Campaign Groups and possible sources of advice.

Press Report - Wiltshire Times
A link to an article about the proposed development in the Wiltshire Times. You are invited to add a comment to that article as that may generate additional press interest.

Possible Grounds to Object
Initial thoughts about possible comments residents may wish to raise. These are a guide and need to be put into your own words.

How to Comment/Object
Advice and guidance on how to access the council planning portal and how to submit your comments.

Data Storage Centres
Short notes about what these buildings are and some photographs of the existing buildings as examples of what the propsed building may look like.