The New Village Hall Opening.
To celebrate this new phase in the life of Wadswick Green a series of events are proposed to showcase village activities and to generate new ideas to take advantage of the new facilities. The opening ceremonies are resident led and are scheduled around the weekend of 1 Nov 2025, over 3 days.
A core group of residents has been drawn together to manage the overall event supported by individual event organisers.
Core Planning Committee
Alec Deighton (Chair)
Keith Turnbull (Village Manager)
Khalil Rehman (Rangeford Villages Development Manager)
Vic Steadman
Ron Spurgeon
Rachel Gittins (Events and Community Coordinator) (Secretary)
Activities and Nominated Leads
Sports (to include short mat bowls and table tennis) - Steve Besent
Old time music hall/variety show - Iris Vincent
Art Display (including photography) - Sue Warren (Photography, Vic Steadman)
Dance show (or inclusive class) - Bea Johnston
Small groups/freshers fayre style presentation of current activities - Moyra Evans
Music/WG Orchestra - Geraldine Bateman
Pantomime/Review of the Year - Sylvia Humphries
Health and wellbeing inclusive activity - Keith Turnbull
Garden Group - Sue Warren
Keynote Speaker - ideas invited
This is only an initial plan. Comments and suggestions for additional activities are invited and can be passed to any member of the core committee or via the comments form on this web page (below).
Notes from Meeting #1, 4th Dec 2024
Notes from Meeting #2, 21 Jan 2025