The Donkey Field (Sands Quarry)

As you may know ARC has applied for planning permission to erect a massive data storage centre on The Donkey Field, together with all the ancillary plant and equipment.

You may like to understand the SHEAR SIZE of this building – 160m long, 40m wide and 20m tall. A telegraph pole is about 9.0m high, go and look at those poles in The Donkey Field and you will see how tall this structure will be.

You may like to learn about the impact of this development on the existing SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE system.

ARC have already received planning consent to build a new data centre at the bottom of Westwells Road. This will be only 55m from the nearest house in Westwells and borders the Wadswick Gree access road. It is big.

You may be concerned about the LOSS OF ECOLOGICAL HABITAT that this development will cause. When the last unit was granted consent at the bottom of Westwells Road, Rowan Lane was being cited as a crucial corridor for Horseshoe Bats. It seems Wilts Council have now changed their stance.

The various appeals on this site in the past have always said The Donkey Field should be a buffer between industry and the village. We agree with this as did the NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN which was approved by Wiltshire Council.

You may like to see how these data units can be ILLUMINATED AT NIGHT; photographs are on the web site showing night time lighting. How close is your house? What do you think about the night time illuminations? Do you have 100% light proof curtains?

You may be interested to understand THE NOISE THESE UNITS GENERATE. Do any of you hear a low hum or drone through the night? Many of us do and it keeps us awake. This only started when the new data centres became operational. Imagine what this will be like when these two data centres are so close. If you can hear that drone at night, I would invite you to make a formal complaint to Wiltshire Council, details are on this web site. There are ways to mitigate this noise, ARC have not done so.