Gate Installation to Main Road

Building Site Traffic Control Gate

Beards have started construction of the first set of gates on the main drive as below. Please note that this makes no immediate change and these gates will be left in the open position open until end May when the site goes fully live and they will then be closed during the site operating hours.

Those who were at the presentation last year will recall that when the full building site goes live, both sides of the drive ( Village Hall construction, parking and compounds on the West and Walnut Lane construction on the East) become one building site, which will be closed to through traffic during site operating hours for obvious safety reasons.

On entering Wadswick Green all Construction traffic coming from Westwells Road will be signposted to the left for site access and parking.

Owner, visitor and staff traffic coming from Westwells Road will be signposted to the right and via the West of the Pavilion building .

The owners’ drive access remains as is for owner traffic only.

We will update again once dates are confirmed for this stage of the build.

Kind regards

 Keith Turnbull​​​​

Village Manager


Beware of the Cyber Thief

