Wadswick Gardening Group Latest
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Greenhouse last Friday for the first meeting of the Gardening Group to discuss how things will work; also, to Chris Liversidge Head Gardener and Keith Turnbull who came along to support us. It was agreed by everyone who attended that we will meet twice a month on Monday afternoons between 2 and 4pm.We will gather on the Terrace at the Greenhouse and end hopefully with a cuppa.
The team have compiled a list of flowers which will be planted in the current flower garden so that next year there will be flowers to decorate the communal areas.
Our venture to work in the gardens begins on this Monday 28 August (Bank Holiday)!! Dates afterwards will be Monday 13th and 27 September. We are a drop-in group so do come along if you would like to join in and you can do as much or as little as you like. We will be working as a team in an area of the gardens agreed with Chris and the gardeners where we can do some weeding and gentle gardening. Our intention is to continue to meet during the winter months even when the weather is not good when we can make plans, arrange visits etc!
Future plans include garden visits, workshops, guest speakers (John Turner President of Box Gardening Club is coming to talk to us in October. We are in the process of linking with Box Gardening Club so that we can attend their meeting and join their outings and are developing similar links with Chippenham Flower Club.
We look forward to seeing some of you at the Greenhouse at 2pm on Monday. Happy Gardening.
Penny Caro.
Sue Page.
For more detail, keep an eye on the gardening group web page.