
The draw has been made for The Spring Shields and is displayed in the clubhouse.

Each Wedesday, 9.30 am, Village Green

The UK croquet season typically runs from early April until October but is of course weather dependent. With the unusually wet winter the lawn has been continuously waterlogged and being clay drainage is something of a problem. In previous years we have been able to play through much of the winter due to the mild clement weather.

Players regularly meet every Wednesday morning with play commencing from 9.30am once the lawn has been mown. Everyone is welcome, including complete beginners so do come along and have a go. Equipment is provided and there are plenty of people who will assist in teaching the rudiments of how to play. We play Golf Croquet which is somewhat simpler than Association Croquet and lends itself more readily to our range of expertise and fitness and enable people of all ages, both male and female to compete together.

We currently have competitions in the Spring and Autumn for both singles and pairs and also trialled a Ladies only competition last summer. We encourage everyone to get involved and have a go.

Croquet is a good way of getting to know more people and can be played at any time simply by making arrangements with other players.

Contact: Graham Wilkins: his contact details are in the village directory or you can send him a message using the following form:




The Photography Club