Prayer Group and Sunday Hour

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group meets in the Village Hall every Monday from 10.00am to 11.00am. We pray for the village, the staff, new residents, and for those who are ill and have asked us to pray. We keep everything confidential. 

Sometimes we pray about national and international events. 

 Sunday Hour

Sunday Hour meets in the Village Hall every Sunday from 5pm until 6pm, mainly to sing hymns which we transfer from our IPad to the TV screen so our singing is accompanied. 

We also share readings and prayers which anyone can bring.  It is an interdenominational group and quite informal.

Over the last 3 years we have also had special services for:

  • Harvest in October ,

  • Remembering Loved Ones in November where we read out the names of loved ones who have died and light candles in remembrance, and

  • In December we hold a Carol Service in the Greenhouse, usually during the week before Christmas


The Book Groups


The Walking Groups