Wiltshire and Corsham Plans
This strategy has been developed by the Council working closely with Wiltshire’s communities, as well as businesses and interest groups, both local and national. The aim being to deliver sustainable growth for the communities of Wiltshire that best meets their needs now and for the future.
The Neighbourhood Plan contains the vision, objectives and policies identified by the community and that are at the heart of future sustainable development in Corsham. The Corsham Design Guide provides necessary detail and best practice for individual Character Areas and is the vehicle for the Neighbourhood Plan policies to be effectively implemented on the ground. The Corsham Batscape Strategy pertains to the internationally designated Bath and Bradford-on-Avon Bats Special Area for Conservation (SAC) and identifies how, by protecting those elements which are distinctive to the area, Corsham can sustainably grow whilst maintaining the ecological health of the SAC.
These documents will be used in decision making within the statutory planning process, for consideration by statutory undertakers/utilities operators and also as a guide for less complex projects which fall outside the regulatory regime.
The Wiltshire Core Strategy is the basis for determining most planning applications. It also identifies land for development that provides for new homes, jobs and infrastructure for our growing communities whilst balancing the need to protect the environment. The Local Plan will continue this role and therefore help shape the places the community of Wiltshire live and work within. 5. The Council has come to some initial answers to these three questions. It is sharing them and wants your views.