Low Frequency Noise and Mobile Phone Signals
Thank you to all that have submitted objects so far, We are presenting an excellent body of objection with some very strong arguments. Reading through all the comments I detect 2 problems that residents are experiencing that need to be acted upon outside this planning response.
Low Frequency Noise
Poor mobile phone signals
Low Frequency Noise
It is apparent that a large number of residents from all over the village are experiencing nuisance levels of low frequency noise (a background hum) from the existing Ark (or perhaps MoD) installations. This needs to be reported to Wiltshire Council who have a statutory responsibility to investigate and the powers to order it to cease if it is proven a nuisance.
For the council to take action they need evidence; they suggest complainants keep a complaints diary - download here - for 14 days and then submit that diary to the council.
Poor Mobile Phone Signal
We all suffer from poor mobile phone signals in our apartments but I am afraid we cannot blame that on Arc or the MoD. The problems are caused by the thermal insulation in our apartment buildings. We are effectively living in metal lined boxes that block out external radio waves. We rely on phone signal leakage through the windows but this is very poor.
The solution is to connect our mobile phones over broadband when we are at home. This is called “Wi-Fi” calling and requires a fairly modern mobile phone and for our mobile provider to offer the service (usually free).