We will look up to them!
The ground level in the area of Ash/Walnut is approximately 121 meters above sea level.
The development site is 107 meters above sea level. So the highest point of the new build will be 125.5 meters above sea level., or 5 meters higher than the ground at Walnut/Ash Lane. People at Ash/Walnut will be looking up to the new build!
There is existing tree cover on the ground between Wadswick Green and the new development but none of these trees are higher than 10 meters. The landscaping plan includes some additional tree planting but these new trees are close to the development and only 2.5 meters high.
For tree cover to be effective it needs to be close to WG and high (10 to 20 meters). Putting aside the time taken for trees to mature to this height this will wipe out any views to the north from our village.
This photo was taken from just outside the development area looking South and up to WG. There are 10 meter high trees behind me. The top of Ash Lane is visible from ground level. If this plan is approved there will be an 18 meter high building just behind where I am standing. All the tree cover is deciduous and will be bare in winter.