Discussion Group Security
The Wadswick Green Resident’s website is hosted on the public internet and can therefore be found and read by anyone. It is not restricted to residents/owners and is not password protected as we want to make the site as simple to use as possible. There is a delicate balancing act between ease of use and security.
It is technically possible to password protect all or part of the site but that would make it harder to access': readers would have to remember passwords and log in. I suspect that, given our age demographic, you prefer it to be kept simple.
We have to impose editorial controls to preserve security and have banned the publication of personal data such as email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and addresses on the website. As we are now opening up the website to input from our residents via forms and comments we have to maintain this security by using moderators to approve all inputs before they can be read on screen. This will inevitably result in delays but we will do our best to keep that to a minimum.
Moderators may use private messaging via email or telephone to pass contact details between residents if necessary. For example, a resident may create a discussion to get in touch with someone who has a common interest and wants to get in touch.
If users identify any personal data which MUST be added to the site in the future we will adopt password protected login for specified areas or, perhaps, the whole site.