What edits can we do in Google Photos?
Startting from one of my photographs from Biddestone, I wondered what I could achieve using Google Photos compared to LightRoom/Photoshop.
The original has ugly vehicles, dull sky and flat appearance. It does not tell the story of a picturesque cotswold village.
Start by cropping in to lose the white vehicle on the left and to straighten the verticals.
Use the Magic Eraser (premium) to remove the 2 cars and the white wing mirror on the left. Google Photos uses AI to fill in the gaps. Note the tool also autodetected and removed some cables across the buildings.
Use the Sky tool (premium) to recolour the sky. Note GF does not have a replace Sky tool. you have to edit what is there. GF struggled here because a lot of the sky was burned out and had no detail to recolour. I ended up with a storm setting in the sky. Then added a warming preset.
My original photoshop version (with an additional vignette): I am surprised how similar the 2 results are. The sky recolouring was nor as effective as sky replacement in Photoshop.