Possible Grounds to Object

Your comments should reflect your own interests and concerns. It is important that they are written in your own words. Although I am about to suggest possible topics of possible concern you must not use my words as a “template” as that would mean all comments using that template would be counted as a single response. These notes may be amended and updated after the residents meeting on 19 August.

Flawed Consultation

The application consultation plan was flawed. It used an out of date map that still showed HMS Royal Arthur. Letters were sent to all addresses in Walnut Lane that has not yet been built and to some of Ash Lane. Most of Wadswick Green was not consulted. Timeframes for comment were short and letters were not sent out informing residents of a later extension of the comments deadline. It failed to communicate to all those that will be affected.

Building Character and Visual Impact

The building is out of scale and style for this rural village location. It disrupts the green rural nature of our surroundings. All visual impact mitigation is designed to protect Westwells residences. No mitigation measures have considered Wadswick Green residents. It is as if the developers are not aware of Wadswick Green’s existence. Wadswick Green residents moved here for peaceful retirement in a rural location, not to sit alongside a large industrial complex.

Previous planning applications for housing on the same site were restricted to a maximum of 2 storeys. Nothing has changed in the local area to make a 4 storey building with roof mounted plant suddenly acceptable.

Noise and Light Pollution

These buildings generate noise from generators and air conditioning plants. They are brightly lit up at night. Wadswick Green is protected from the existing data centres by the wooded spoil heap, this will not protect us from the 2 new builds that have been approved or this latest proposal. Constant low frequency noise and high levels of night time illumination will be harmful to the health of Wadswick Green residents.


The design, build and operation of Wadswick Green has protected wiildlife including bats. The Wadswick Green site includes a protected bat barn that will be 250 meters away from this new development. The night illumination of this site will disrupt the bat feeding areas. The proposed development sits in a dark corridor imposed as a condition of a previous phase of development by the same developer.

Rights of Way and Use of Green Space

Despite the previous land owners adopting a “scorched earth” policy on this site, it remains a popular walking area and route from Wadswick Green to Westwells, Neston, and Corsham. The proposal removes some of those rights of way and has moved others. The remaining paths will now be alongside the perimeter fence of an 18 meter high industrial building. It will no longer be a pleasant amenity space.

Traffic on Rowan Lane

The approved development phases and this latest proposal all have vehicle exits onto Rowan Lane. Rowan Lane is narrow and includes a blind 90 degree bend. There is no off road walkway. Increased use of this road will increase the danger to pedestrians, particularly those more vulnerable. There will be increased danger at the junction with Westwells. It may encourage increased traffic on the alternative restricted route and the junction with Bradford Road.


Press Report - Wiltshire Times


How to Comment/Object