The Latest Village News


Finance Queries
Louise works from the Village Manager’s office every Tuesday afternoon and is available if you have any queries regarding invoices or direct debits.

Service Charge
If you haven’t received your invoice for the 2023- 2024 fees, please contact Reception as soon as possible.

Sharky Meter Readings
The online reporting system for the Sharkey meters is still not working.
Please, if you are able, take your meter reading and report it to Reception by Monday 31st July, Ideally by email

Rangeford Care Invoices
We would like to apologise that some recent Rangeford Care invoices were incorrect. This was due to technical problems and will be rectified as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Kerrie Wyatt, Care Manager.

2023-2024 Annual Fees
Following the distribution of the 2023 -2024 invoices may we clarify the following points:

2023-2024 Community Fee and Service Charge Invoices
We expect the community fee and service charge invoices to be issued this week.